What Are the Risks of Accelerated Orthodontics?

Woman Smiling To Her Dentist

If you’re considering braces to straighten your teeth and improve your smile, you should know that faster options are now available. Accelerated orthodontics has become a popular choice for those looking to reduce the time they spend wearing braces or clear aligners by up to 50%. However, it’s important to remember that, like any medical procedure, there are certain risks and potential side effects associated with accelerated orthodontics that you should consider before making a final decision.  

What is Accelerated Orthodontics?  

Accelerated orthodontics is a treatment option that utilizes advanced techniques to accelerate tooth movement. This is typically achieved by combining traditional braces or clear aligners with a technology known as ‘Photobiomodulation’. This involves shining a low-level laser on the teeth, stimulating bone reconstruction, and promoting faster tooth movement.  

Risks and Complications of Accelerated Orthodontics  

Although accelerated orthodontics can provide advantages, it also comes with certain risks and potential complications. Among the frequently observed issues are:  

1. Root Resorption  

Root resorption is a condition that damages the root of a tooth, which can ultimately result in tooth loss in severe cases. This issue can arise due to accelerated tooth movement, particularly if the treatment is too aggressive. Although root resorption is not a common complication, it can be worrisome for patients already susceptible to this condition.  

2. Gum Recession  

When undergoing accelerated orthodontics, there is a chance of experiencing gum recession. This happens when the gums move away from the teeth, causing the roots to become exposed. Gum recession can result in tooth sensitivity, decay, and even tooth loss. During accelerated orthodontics, gum recession is caused by the heightened force and pressure exerted on the teeth.  

3. Tooth Mobility  

Accelerated orthodontics can also cause temporary tooth mobility, where the teeth become loose and start to shift during treatment. Although tooth mobility is a natural part of the orthodontic process, too much mobility can exacerbate the possibility of tooth damage or loss.  

4. Increased Risk of Cavities  

Patients undergoing accelerated orthodontics may also be at an increased risk of developing cavities or tooth decay. This is because the brackets or aligners used during treatment can make it more difficult to effectively clean the teeth and gums, leading to bacteria and plaque build-up. 

5. Pain and Discomfort  

Accelerated orthodontics may cause more pain and discomfort for patients due to the quicker movement of the teeth. This can lead to increased sensitivity and difficulty managing discomfort during treatment compared to traditional orthodontic methods. 

Factors to Consider Before Choosing Accelerated Orthodontics  

It is important to remember that while accelerated orthodontics can have several advantages, considering all factors associated with this treatment option is vital.  

Some of the factors to consider:  

  • The severity of the Orthodontic Condition: Your orthodontic condition is a critical factor in choosing accelerated orthodontics. This treatment may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with severe orthodontic conditions, where traditional treatments may be more effective and less risky.
  • Age: Age is another factor to consider before choosing accelerated orthodontics. This treatment is usually not recommended for children under 12 or those with baby teeth, as their teeth and bones are still developing.  
  • Oral Health: Good oral health is an important consideration before starting any orthodontic treatment, including accelerated orthodontics. Patients with gum disease, cavities, or other oral health issues may need to address these issues prior to accelerated orthodontic treatment.  
  • Lifestyle: Patients must consider their lifestyle before choosing accelerated orthodontics. This treatment may not be suitable for patients unwilling to commit to a strict oral hygiene routine, reluctant to wear their aligners or braces consistently, or unable to attend regular follow-up appointments.  
  • Budget: The cost of accelerated orthodontics can vary depending on the treatment plan and our orthodontist’s recommendations. Patients should consider their budget before choosing accelerated orthodontics and explore financing options or payment plans that may be available.  

Connecticut Valley Orthodontics recognizes that patients want fast and effective treatment options. While accelerated orthodontics can shorten treatment time, it is crucial to understand the potential risks and complications. Our top priority at Connecticut Valley Orthodontics is patient safety, and we encourage all patients to consult with our experienced orthodontists to determine if accelerated orthodontics is the best option for them. By evaluating all factors, we can help you make an informed decision that will lead to improved dental health. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today for more information.